Thursday, July 2, 2015

Red Rock - Home

I always hate the first week home from camp. It’s the worst, going into a restaurant and thinking I see someone from camp to remember I'm home Ha. Camp though this year was odd in itself. A little empty without the Tabernacle. Just a big open space without the staple of our camp time. It will be exciting though to see the new one up and in action. The most odd part was there were like no pictures taken...I mean we all took a few but we didn't take group photos like we usually do. There were no photos taken at the end of the week... The only picture I got was with Bugs. This may not see different to someone who has never been at camp. For those of us that have been for years though, it's a complete 180. Usually it’s like picture central the last night/day. Maybe it’s because many of us know we'll be together again next week...I'm not sure.
Otherwise camp was a blast. Bugs and I slept in, worshiped, played and enjoyed our time together and with friends. This included late nights of Spoons and Werewolves - I mean Tickle Monster. Bugs even went out in the lake, well we both did. She got her life jacket on and we SWAM out past the long weeds out to the rafts. She was a little nervous at first, it was quite a big step for her. Then she jumped off the raft the first time and loved it. We stayed out there for at least a half hour if not longer. I'm so proud of her. It's amazing to see how much she grows each year at camp. Bugs’ favorite part of camp though was getting to see her “cousin” Bella Rue. It was so cute to hear her name Bella her cousin and to love holding and taking care of her. Pretty sure every hour Bella wasn’t with us she was asking “Where’s my cousin? Is she coming to our room later/going to be where we are?” Shane and I have always been close and now adding Bobbie and Bella in, I couldn’t be happier. I’m so glad to have them in our lives and see our kids grow up together.
Coming home I felt refreshed. Okay my body did not, it's a lot of walking if you didn't know and then treading water in the lake for .5hr+ is a lot, ha. But my mind and heart were. A calming relief feeling. It feels good to be at peace and to be excited to see what the future hold for all of us.
Thank you Red Rock! Thank you God!

Oh can't forget the super cute, new born baby birds that were nested right outside Lakeview door!

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