Sunday, January 18, 2015

Bugs Party

So Bugs is officially 6 ;) of course she turned 6 back in November but with all the craziness of the holidays and finding out about the baby...we just got things situated to have her hotel/pool party.  It was a blast. Had family and friends visit, have some snacks and opened gifts. Then it was off to the pool!!! A special surprise is her good buddy Kingston spent the night with us. So they had a slumber party, got up and ate a big breakfast, relaxed some, then was back at it again in the pool. So proud of my big girl; she's getting better about water in her face, was jumping off the side of the pool into daddy's arms and even went down the big slide more than once. It took some encouraging to start out, remind her she could do it and that daddy would be at the bottom to catch her...but she did it :)    It also brought a big smile to my face when she asked Kingston if he wanted to try it and she said "You might like it...You just have to try" #meltmommysheart  I tell her things like that all the time. She is very good about not saying she doesn't like something if she hasn't tried it, cuz really how do you is just because it looks weird or scary...? #soproud.  We had so much fun at the hotel! 

Pregnancy/Mommy wise I realized after the baby comes I really need to discuss with my doctor options/solutions for my fatigue.   I know now most of it is from the baby but I had quite a bit before I was even pregnant and have for a long time. I need to get it better if I'm going to have two little munchkins running around now ;)   I didn't get a chance to go in the pool last night, which was fine. I wanted to be able to walk people out and such as they were leaving and I knew I wouldn't have the energy to be up late with all the action of the day and swim in the was I right. By the time we got things cleaned up, out of the pool and late dinner of pizza ordered I was more than ready to crash! But luckily I had a great guy helping me out, took care of getting the kids pizza and drinks while I sat down and rested some before it was time to get the munchkins to bed. This morning though we had a big breakfast, we'll Barry and I more so than the kids ha, then it was in the pool for us all. 

The belly loved the pool, shocker I know ha. Think the baby was probably like "hmm I remember this kind of weightlessness from all I feel is crap gravity, blaaa".  I just kind of waded in the big pool, let the waves move me around....when I went to pull my growing belly out of the pool up the ladder pretty sure it felt like I gained like 50lbs in one shot. Good thing I was only getting out to move to the little pool to sit and relax :). After I got out though my belly was fiercely mad at me!  Like I hate you so much right now I could just pull apart from you right now. It was honestly painful.  I could hardly walk. My legs are still feeling pinched, my back sore and my belly I'm not sure if this means I should spend a little more time hanging out in the tub to relax my belly or if it means I should stay as far away from standing water as possible.  Eh it just brings me back to wanting to do the aminoinfusion even more!!! 
We'll I guess to sum it up at 30 weeks...  I'm officially pained/bloated, stretched, exhausted and ready to meet our little one....but at the same time wish there was more time! As I said before I knew this time would fly by not only because it always does when you're trying to enjoy something but because we are weekend filled and not seeing any end ha. By the way thats totally not a complaint. Even though it makes the time seem like it races by it also helps with the enjoying the time and not wollowing in the worry.  Coming weekend work dinner and Kingstons birthday bash :) then the next weekend going to a comedy club, then the week after that I am gone for 3 days to the cities for a marketing conference, which will be a nice change of pace to distract me some. Then it just keeps rolling on....guess eventually one of the next weekends we should finalize organizing the house and what our plans are for both ends of the possibilities.

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