Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Starting to have a hard time...

Friday was the hardest so far.  As we left work and headed to the doctor I was excited, nervous, joyful and going out of my mind all at the same time. It was so bad, I had taken my anxiety meds in the morning and by 1:30 I was almost shaking my emotions were going crazy. I was so joyed to see our little bundle, I want to just sit and stare at an ultrasound all day long :)   I was also nervous/excited to see if there were any changes.  I was nervous that at anytime we could go in and they could tell us something bad again but then also was super excited in hopes that things could be turning for the better....  When we went in though it was just calm. A sort of happy/sad calm came over. Happy because the heartbeat was strong and our bundle was growing on par but also a little sad that there was no change in fluid and that we still are unsure if our little bundle is a he or a she.  
Since we talked to the specialist I never really thought about medical things we could do at this time (well there aren't many options) but more so just thought of things I could do I like what I eat/drink and extra vitamins I can take. It really hit me though for some reason when we were sitting in the office waiting for the doctor after the ultrasound....what about that infusion thing the Mayo had mentioned..? I guess before I just pushed the thought to the back of my mind because the doctor said that even if we did that it wouldn't for sure change anything and also we would have to be in like every two weeks to do it again. At 20 weeks that seemed like a lot of procedures but now at 29 it's a bit less.  I wasn't sure on the name of it so I waited to talk to my doctor about it till I had a little more information. When I got home I did some checking, it's called aminoinfusion and there wasn't much information on it, mainly that they use it more for when there is flow fluid during delivery to help ease pressure on the umbilical cord. I emailed my doctor to see his thoughts before I went to the specialist with it. Though I new that they are the ones that will actually do the process I wanted the thoughts of someone I like ha.  I know that's not really fair to say about the specialist...and it's not that I don't like him it's just the circumstances were not in his favor for me to become comfortable with him as I am at Winona. 
Ever since this thought has come to my mind it just won't go away.  Maybe we were meant to just wait awhile before trying it. Give the baby some time to work things out and then help him/her out. I am really ready/wanting to do this. I think it will be good, whether it helps with the lungs/kidneys or not. As I think more and as we get closer to possible delivery date I feel like even if we have to help with the fluid, it needs to be in there. Not only would it help with my comfort, because things are really starting to get tight, it would also help for baby's comfort. Even though baby can't tell us that I know it would. Baby looks so scrunched whenever we see the ultrasounds and I can tell with how tight my stomach gets that it can't be the funnest way to hangout. I also think it would be helpful leading up to delivery. If they induce me and need to add fluid my body will already be used to the procedure so it will be less stress in my body then and also may help with natural delivery...which I don't know what that's I like. With Bugs they induced me so I never had my water break, blessing and a sad note. Yes I didn't have to deal with fluid splashing all over wherever I was and I had all the comforts of the doctors being right there and not waiting around or count contractions....but at the same time isn't that kind of the extra exciting part. Being able to be like oh yay baby is ready!!!!  :)  I just think I'll around it would be beneficial so now time to call Mayo! 

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