Friday, February 13, 2015
News From The Doctor...
So to be honest I started writing this one a week and a half ago…right after I received the call (I was at Bugs dance practice so there wasn’t much else for me to do other than sit and let it all flow). So I received a call before dance class from the nurse saying that the doctor wanted to setup an appointment to discuss the options/risks/such in regards to doing the amnioinfusion. At this point I was a little confused because the way she was talking was like he wanted to meet for the pre-op discussion and I was like “ummmm we’ve already done one”. Then she like back tracked and was like yes he wants to discuss going forward. Okay that makes more sense. Then it came – the call from the doctor. He said that they were not going to do the amnioinfusions anymore. Something to the effect that they didn’t think it was much success when they did it, though they got water in the uterus membrane it didn’t seem to be a successful as hoped since it’s been so tight for so long around the baby it’s like cellophane. He said they also checked with 2 other places and they also said they wouldn’t do the treatments. Now when I first heard this a feeling of rage came over me. I understand safety and such….if it’s dangerous it’s dangerous. In my eyes though what’s it going to do against the baby since you already pretty much told me we’re pushing out a dead baby. Also the doctor didn’t really say it was, he pushed it off more so that it was just “too hard for them” or something. Like since it took them a little longer to get the right spot than usual they didn’t want to do it again. When they were doing the amnioinfusion (obviously I’m fully aware and knew what was going on) they didn’t seem to have trouble with the fluid going in. Yeah finding the right spot and what not wasn’t the easiest but they didn’t have any restriction of the fluid flow, so they said. He said they got some in the baby’s back and outside the uterus. I don’t know exactly, I might have blocked some out some notes in my frustration. Either way the main thing that “frustrated” me is the fact that they said none of this when they were doing the infusion and that they referred to it like the baby was wrapped in cellophane. #notcool Now yes he’s not the doctor we started with and looking back now I wish we would have gotten a second opinion…I mean third opinion since we came from Winona. The doctor we saw pretty much told us it was pointless and though he brought up the idea of the amnioinfusion he said it would be pointless because I would have to come in every two weeks. I wish I would have gone with my gut and not his recommendation and just started it back then. I feel like by not doing it we have hindered our baby even more. If nothing else there would be more room in my belly. More room for baby and more room for me, things wouldn’t be so tight. I also now sort of fear I have forced myself to now have to do a C-section... I had in my head this whole time that I was going to fight to do it vaginally, like Bugs, but if the baby is pretty much wrapped in cellophane to the point they can't even add water than I'm going to have to do it by C-section. This doesn’t make me feel good. I mean yes it sounds better for the baby’s safety, get in and out… but that also means I’m stuck. I am strapped to a table cut open while my baby is potentially rushed off. Seriously…because life doesn’t already have enough road options that you’re not sure of what’s going to happen – things just seem to keep growing. This could happen, that could happen – to infinity. Okay not infinity more like maybe 5 but still. I’m not going to lie though I try to keep strong in my faith/hope it’s getting a bit harder and harder the closer we get to the possible/unknown date to come. I don’t know what day it will happen, how it’ll happen, what’s going to happen after…and all that. :/ {It’s funny as I’m thinking about all the options that could happen coming soon we’re watching Men in Black 3 where the Griffin talks about all the different options that could happen while watching the Mets win the Series 3 months in advance . “A miracle is something that seems impossible but happens anyway” – Griffin.}
A glass of wine would be nice right about now… shoots ha I guess this blog and some prayers will have to do. :)
Monday, February 9, 2015
Telling Bugs...
So last night we sat Bugs down to tell her/prepair her for the possibility with the baby. We decided in the morning to tell her, I wouldn't say I dreaded it but more so just didn't know how I was going to start. It wasn't so bad... Were already so blessed to have a big sister that is pretty understanding and grownup about this all. I'm not sure she fully understands but she at least has an idea so if something happens it's not a slap in the face "WHATS GOING ON???". We told her that there was a chance the baby might be sick when he/she is born and we might not be able to bring the baby home right away. That the baby might need some extra help from the doctors. It did help that she watches the videos each weeks so explaining that the water that we see around the baby isn't there. She did ask what happened to it and so we told her baby's kidneys were having trouble working and the baby drank all the water, which she seemed to understand. We told her we were still praying God will work a miracle but we wanted her to have a heads up. She is still very excited for the baby which makes me feel good 😀. She also said, without us bringing it up, she wanted to see where the baby was going to be (NICU). She's much like me in that aspect 😊. { When Grandpa was still in the coma and the doctors were telling us what may or may not happen I was already thinking about transplant. The doctor half laughed at me (not litterally but was like yeah good chance with that) and now 6 years later and Bugs was just at their house for a few days 😉. }
We also made it clear, which the nurse did too, that she is more than able to be as active and near the baby as she wants. When the baby goes to the other hospital and stuff she can go with and stay at baby's side.
This is very much the final push for us. All the hospital planning and such. This is going to be a big growing/bonding time for our family. I'm so happy to have the people I have around us to celebrate in the joys and be there for support. Thank you for everything thus far and to come! 😘
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