Monday, April 20, 2015

Celebration of Life

Saturday night we had our Celebration of Life for Trysten, it was wonderful! A roller of emotion but it was great to get together and visit with everyone. I’m so thankful for all of the love and support from everyone. I’ve honestly been overwhelmed with joy at the thought of it. I knew before that we had a lot of friends and family…but when you go through something like we are you realize just how much more everyone means to you and you to them. And to know that people are willing to take time out of their lives and even more so drive a distance to celebrate a life, some didn’t get a chance to hold but came in support of us, is amazing! I honestly know I wouldn’t be getting through this if wasn’t for everyone around me and the joy they have brought with them. What’s even more amazing is the thought that not everyone was able to make it that day but has more than reached out and shared their love and support with us. It means the world to me.

The celebration was great. There were balloons, pictures, food, friends and family. I was so honored and thankful my Grandpa Lidke was able to do a little service for Trysten. I know I am bias in that I love hearing my Grandpa speak/preach, you know I’ve only been doing it all my life ;) , but having him be able to speak in honor of Trysten was just that much more meaningful. In a perfect world I would have gotten my way and he would have been able to make it to the hospital and baptize Trysten there, but he decided to make his entrance early while they were still in Florida. Having him say a few words there with everyone around was even better though. I got to share him and his way with the word with everyone. I feel so blessed that we were able to share that time with everyone.
After everyone was stuffed with food and had fun chatting we went out to let some balloons go in honor. I originally wanted to let Chinese Lanterns go but apparently in MN that’s not allowed :( so we got balloons instead. We had a mix of tie-dye and light up balloons. Since it was getting late and not really dark we chose to let some go with everyone there and then when it got dark Barry, Bugs, Jaime, D’wayne, Wyatt and I let a few of the light up ones go. They looked so awesome in the dark. Bugs loved the whole thing!
I’m so thankful to be able to have had the Celebration of Life, for all the people that helped us pull it together, for all the people who were able to make it and those who were there in thought.

Isaiah 45:11-12 “This is what the Lord says – the Holy One of Israel, and its maker: Concerning things to come, do you question me about my children, or give me orders about the work of my hands? It is I who made the earth and created mankind upon it. My own hands stretched out the heavens; I marshaled their starry hosts. …”

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