Tuesday, April 28, 2015

garage sale, shopping and meat raffle

Felt good to get away and have some fun. Friday we went up and stayed at Angee's for the weekend. It was jam packed with funness ;) Saturday Tim and his daughter (Bunny) came over and we headed off to the State Fair Education Building for a big kids "garage sale". They had so much stuff there it was crazy. I had never gone before so I wasn't sure what to expect but it was a lot of fun. Told Bugs she had $20 she could pick out whatever she wanted and away we went table to table, rack to rack. We found a few good deals. She got a new pair of needed shoes. [she came home one day from school with her gym shoes on....yeah there was a giant hole in the big toe of BOTH shoes. when I asked how long they had been like that she was like "I don't know.." kids ha] I found an awesome Lite-Brite! It wasn't the classic ones we had as kids but a portable one, even better. It was only $3 and the only thing it didn't have was the papers...lucky you can just print those online. I am still super excited about it ha. Bugs loves it too. She was also excited she found one of those "living monkey" toys. The thing moves, eats, farts and snores. I also got a bunch of stuff for my friends little girl whom will hopefully make her entrance soon :) and by soon I mean this week so when we go back to the cities we can see her. I also ran into an old friend which is always fun. Haven't seen her other than chats and photos on Facebook for a few years.
I wasn't sure going into the sale how seeing all the baby stuff would go but it was ok. I kept looking at the stuff wanting to buy it but had to remember at this time we don't have a use for it. It did help a bit being able to shop for someone else. I found her this super cute summer dress set. Kind of satisfies that urge to buy baby things. I'm pretty sure one of the ladys at the sale thought I was a crazy creeper...she was carrying her little baby girl who looked about Trysten's age (2mo). Couldn't help myself but to just stare and admire. She was so cute.
After that we all went to the Mall of America and the girls filled a Build-a-Bear :) Bugs made a Toothless and Bunny made a My Little Pony, they had so much fun. All six of us also got glittery tattoos l, ooo. :) Then it was off to the meat raffle to meet up with Dad, Kelly and Cam. Barry and I won some bacon and Tim & Ang got some pork chops mmm. So much fun. Then we went back to the house and had a giant fire. You know it's big when you're using the play area sand box for your fire instead of the fire pit. Sunday after we finally got up and going went to the theater and saw Home, very cute movie. The whole weekend was so much fun. Nice to get away, relax and have some fun. Which with the weather getting nicer I'm getting more and more excited to go to the lake. Good family hangout time.

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