Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Birth Plan.....What's That? HA

So with Bugs I didn't really plan much. I was kind of winging the delivery part. I didn’t take any classes; I mean I had the ‘What to Expect When Expecting’ book why do I need a class right? I also knew that Mom would be my support and she’d been through it twice. Figured the nurses would tell me when to push and away we go  Luckily for me that was how it went with Bugs. I showed up when they told me to because I was being induced. I got the gown on, laid in the bed and they checked me in. I was induced, hung out for a few hours, did some pushing while watching Jay Leno and wam-bam out popped a little baby girl . I know with her i was pretty darn lucky in the labor and delivery part that is for sure. But now with this little Flubber, as Angee calls it, I know things aren’t going to go as smoothly. As much as I can hope and pray I know that’s just not going to happen. After reading some of Counting Balloons I have come to the realization even more that I should probably really start thinking of organizing my thoughts for a “birth plan”. Not that I’m super extreme down to the exact point of everything needs to happen this way but just an idea so I don’t get there and go “ahhhh…hmmm I don’t know”. I do know I want Bugs to be in there, if she wants to of course. I’m sure she is going to be way to excited not to be. Her favorite things to watch right now are the videos on my phone about the baby growing and the series show that was on Lifetime “One Born Every Minute”. You may think I am joking…but I am not. She loves that show, minus when they yell loud  . I also want her to be in there just in case the time we have is very short. I don’t want her to miss time with her brother/sister because a nurse had to go get her. I also know that there will be absolutely no food in my room. I can’t eat, you can’t eat! They made a cafeteria and waiting room for that not my delivery room. Lastly on my list to be organized is a photographer. We may have little time with our bundle; I want us to be able to show others the excitement and joy of our little one while we have him/her. I know that may sound like I’m planning for the worst…but in our case there aren’t many options. Yes my hopes are high, my faith is strong and prayers are daily but I’m not dumb to the “medical facts” either. Though miracles happen all the time, it doesn’t hurt to be a little prepared. That’s why we have doctors right…?

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