Monday, January 19, 2015

Longest Day...

Today has been a very long day...the main thing keeping me on the positive side is that Baby is still very active.  I have literally been in bed all day. I managed to wrangle myself up to get Bugs ready for school...but that was as much as my legs could handle. They have been numb/pained/tingly all day with no relief. I thought elevating them might help, so I did this while Barry was getting ready for change, almost got worse. So I spend the day laying in bed with Rollie to keep me company. It was the only thing I could do. The pain still lingered but it was the best position for minimal movement to make it worse. When I called into work today I thought my body was telling me I had over done it, I just needed some rest. Guess that wasn't the answer.  I messaged Winona to see if they had any ideas to help relieve the trouble, thinking they would say you just need more rest or a bath or more fluids...I don't know, just something to help.  I got different news though. They ended up calling and wanting me to come in right away. Though this wasn't really possible with Barry working and obviously I can't drive with my legs how they are....I told them we would be to the ER as soon as we could. As I, literally, lay here waiting for him to get home I am weighted down with worry. The one thing helping to calm the fear that they would induce me is that they said to come down there where as if they thought I might need to go to delivery they would have said to go to Mayo...though things could change by the time we get there. 

I think even  more so what is weighting me is telling Bugs. My Mom is going to meet us there to take her to dinner that way if she needs to be there she's close....but do I tell her?  Do I worry her with the though of what might happen this early? I thought this would be easier, I know she'll understand but at the same time I am at a loss for words of how to tell her.      ...God please help me. 

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