Saturday, January 3, 2015

Missing Bugs & Growing Belly

It's crazy how having this little bun in my belly has made me love my Bugs even more, which I didn't think was possible. She was gone at Grandma's all week and it felt like forever. It almost made me cry at night because I missed her so much. I'm so happy to have her home :) She's getting so big these days. I feel like she's grown like 2 years in the last month. I love even more how excited she is for the baby. I pray she gets the chance to be the big sister I know she is so excited to be. I'm not sure there would be a better sister ever. She's pretty prepared and has done it on her own drive. She has practiced diapers, holding and feeding. Planned everything out, where the baby’s stuff is going to go and such. Brings such joy to my heart.
It also brings joy to my heart how much movement is going on in my belly. I am pretty sure baby knew it was a new week Friday (28weeks) because there was a dance party going on in my belly ALL DAY. I love each movement I experience since I know one that it's a great sign for the baby and two I'm taking it in just in case it's the only time I have. I love that the baby is able to move and get stronger...but I could really tell the extra energy it takes from my body. From baby movements and working all day Friday I was so worn out I couldn't even function. I got home and sat down to relax and felt like I took like 5 sleeping pills. Words did not even want to form properly. I am in need of finding some way to extend my energy level. Even today was a lot for my body. Not that I did a lot for extreme energy...but just being up, doing a little shopping and then dinner/gifts at Mom's wore me out. I have been ready to pass out since 6pm but I didn’t want to be the sleepy pregnant loser ha. Oh the trials of a big belly ;)

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